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BSAA success strategy

On June 15, in Minsk, in the Palace of the Republic, a solemn ceremony of awarding the prestigious Government Prize in the field of quality based on the results of work for 2021 was held. The awards were presented by Deputy Prime Minister Yuri NAZAROV. Among the laureates there was the leading agricultural university Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy. Deputy Prime Minister of the Belarusian government presented the original statuette, made of silver, gold and optical glass with laser engraving, as well as other attributes of the award to the rector of the oldest agrarian university Vitaly VELIKANOV.

The results of this contest were announced in Belarus for the 23rd time, but our academy participated in it for the first time. The success of BSAA is not accidental. It is the quality that determines all aspects of the activity that was and remains the main thing for the administration of the academy, public organizations, and the entire academy team. It was this key indicator, as "the most important priority of the economic policy of our country," that Yuri Nazarov drew attention to in his speech during the award ceremony. "Against the background of economic confrontation," he stressed, "it is important to work even more effectively on our competitiveness, which means, first of all, improving the quality of manufactured products and offered services." The deputy chairman of the Belarusian government did not hide "that only companies that have chosen a strategy for their success based on quality at all stages of activity can be successful these days."

This year, a special commission, having considered the materials submitted to the republican competition, decided to award the title of laureates of the Government Prize in the field of quality to 29 organizations. 15 of them, including BSAA, were awarded for the first time. The opportunity to repeat the already high result once again is a good motivation for the team. Additional impetus to everyone's desire not to stop there, but go ahead, and achieve new victories.

The title of laureate of the government prize means not only the high reputation of the educational institution in the world educational space. It is also a guarantee of the reliability of the knowledge and competencies acquired at BSAA, competitiveness and demand for specialists in the labour market. This modern paradigm of the unity of educational, research and innovation activities while preserving the best traditions and scientific schools has once again become a reliable guarantee of the collective success of the oldest agrarian university of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. It is also noteworthy that the laureates have the right to use the emblem of the Government Prize for their advertising purposes for a period of 3 years.

Taking into consideration the fact that BSAA is now actively involved in the hot entrance campaign, we can say that the Academy team now has no moral right to "lose"


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am sure that the joy of the BSAA team, as the winner of the government award, is shared by our fellow countryman, Deputy Prime Minister of the country Yuri Nazarov. Many people know him and value personal acquaintance with him. They respect him for the absence of a "star disease." Appointing him in March 2020 "on the most key direction," which is the petrochemical complex of the country, the Head of State meant not only the beautiful biography and career growth of Yuri Nazarov, but also his hard work, solidity, decency. These and many other valuable human qualities were very tipical for Y.Nazarov when he worked in previous positions. In Gorki he headed the team of the "Leshoz" for several years, and it was one of the leading enterprises in the industry.






