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The head of state Alexander Lukashenko signed the order about grants of the President of the Republic of Belarus for 2022 to 70 graduate students who are carrying out dissertation researches on the priority directions of scientific, technical, and innovative activity.

The results of the work of postgraduate students who were awarded scholarships were used in the practical activities of industrial organizations, medicine, agriculture, education, and were presented at national and international conferences and published in scientific publications.

Daria Gatalskaya, graduate student of the Department of Selection and Genetics of BSAA is among the fellows. The scholarship was appointed under the terms of a yearly open competition for the creation of the initial selection material and the transfer of promising highly productive rapid-release samples of lupin yellow of various morphotypes to the National Gene Fund.

The President's order on the appointment of scholarships was aimed at supporting the creative activity of young talented graduate students, attracting gifted youth to science, developing domestic scientific schools and encouraging the training of scientific workers of higher qualifications.

The rector's office, the department of post-graduate education and doctoral studies congratulate Daria Gatalskaya on her victory in the competition and wish her further productive work and success in the scientific field.

head of postgraduate and doctoral studies, Ph.D. in agricultural sciences, associate professor.