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III International Scientific and Practical Conference

On January 20, 2022, lecturers of the Department of Production Organization in the Agro-Industrial Complex and the Department of Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex took part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference ANDREEV READINGS: "Digitalization of agricultural industries as a key factor in the sustainable development of agro-industrial complex".

The conference noted that the development of digital technologies is currently considered one of the most important factors of economic growth. It allows to automatize production processes, introduce fundamentally new technologies, and process large amounts of data. Digital platforms create new employment opportunities for people, help develop additional skills, and contribute to the emergence of new professions and high-paying jobs.

Speakers from the Republic of Belarus and Russia shared their experience in the introduction and use of digital technologies in crop and animal husbandry.

A.N. Ivanistov
Head of the Scientific Research Unit
