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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


To the staff of the Belarusian State the Orders
of the October Revolution and the Labor
Red Banner Agricultural Academy


Another year goes into History. I am sure that to the question: "What was the year of 2021 for you?" the answers might be different for everyone. As they say, how many people, so many opinions. But perhaps most of us will be unanimous in the fact that this was another difficult year in the fate of an independent state - the Republic of Belarus. Yes, the Year of National Unity, announced by the Decree of President Alexander Lukashenko, and the conversation held at the Sixth All-Belarusian People's Assembly, helped us to rethink and reevaluate a lot. We felt the real danger of how fragile and deceptive the world around us could be; and how much in the fate of the Motherland depends on the cohesion of Belarusians, our sincere desire to "call ourselves human".

For the team of the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labor Red Banner Agricultural Academy, the outgoing year is also marked by new results in all areas of work. The academy did not stand still. The educational process and practical-oriented training of specialists were improved. The material and technical base was strengthened and updated. Scientific personnel of higher qualification were being prepared. Research work was actively conducted. At the end of November this year, BSAA successfully passed accreditation as a scientific organization and received the corresponding Certificate for the next five years at the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences. We will talk about this and much more in details at the final meeting early next year.

But today, taking this opportunity, let me congratulate everyone on the coming year 2022. I wish that for all our team it becomes another reference point for new achievements. Let it bring everyone confidence in the future.

I wish everyone good health and well-being, fulfillment of wishes and achievement of the goals set. Please, believe that your own destiny is in your hands. And all together we are responsible for the fate and independence of our beloved Motherland - the Republic of Belarus!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Sincerely yours,