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November 17 - The International Students Day



Student years are an unforgettable and happy time in the life of every person who possesses a diploma of higher education. This is the time when we not only master the knowledge, competencies and skills of the future profession. But we also acquire friends with whom we later do not part in life. It is very important to use the years of study at the university with benefits not only for ourselves, for our relatives and friends, but also for our country.

In our state, real conditions have been created for obtaining prestigious education. Suffice it to say that there are 51 higher educational institutions in Belarus, of which 42 universities, colleges and academies with state form of ownership. The total number of students in universities exceeds 263 thousand people. Belarusian universities train specialists in 15 profiles, which include over 400 specialties and specializations. In 2020, Belarus ranked 32nd out of 189 countries in the international ranking on the education level index.

The state is doing everything to make the youth of independent Belarus feel like the owners of the country. The results of the implementation of the youth policy are clearly visible on the example of the Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy, which has all the conditions for studying, doing sports, and comprehensive personal development. It is you - the future of Belarus - who are the subject of special care, responsibility and pride of the academy professors, lecturers, and the entire team of BSAA.

On the eve of the International Students Day, which, without exaggeration, has become one of the most favourite at the academy, I want to wish you every success in studying. Study the history of our homeland, in which there were many tragic pages, so that you grow up as patriots, respect the older generation, honor the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. It was always important. Patriotism and a firm civic position are in demand in society at present.

I wish you success in your studies, scientific research, in the cultural, sporting, social life of the academy. Be proud to study in one of the best universities in the country. Appreciate, guard and multiply its traditions. Stay optimistic and confident that you will always be in demand in our independent and beloved Belarus!

With respect, yours truly