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To the team of "Belarusian State the Orders of the October Revolution
and the Labour Red Banner Agricultural Academy"

On 17 September Belarus for the first time celebrates national holiday - National Unity Day

History has no subjunctive mood. This famous phraseologism has long ago become an axiom. Although it is still questioned in society when it comes to assessing historical events. After more than a year, many Belarusians wonder: how could it happen that an educated, hardworking and tolerant nation unexpectedly faced dangerous political challenges and almost ended up on the edge of the abyss?

The answer to this, far from simple question, was sought on different levels of power, on dialogue platforms in the regions of the republic, in working teams, and in classrooms. The answers were sought at the sixth All-Belarusian People's Meeting as well... And everybody agreed: we survived for two main reasons. First, the government led by President Alexander Lukashenko did not flinch. Second, the Head of State was supported by an absolute majority of Belarusians. It was this people's unity that helped to endure. It did not allow to plunge the country into the abyss of another "color revolution".

In his New Year's address to the Belarusian people, Alexander Lukashenko suggested "that everyone who sees the world in different ways realize that we have a common value - a piece of land in the center of Europe. No other is given to us. And in the name of preserving it for children, let's turn the page of what has been passed and write together a new chapter of independent Belarus". On June 7, 2021, the President signed Decree No. 206 on the establishment of a state holiday - National Unity Day. It will be celebrated annually on September 17th. The decree states that "this is an act of historical justice against the Belarusian people, divided against their will in 1921 under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty. The unity restored in 1939 helped to survive during the Great Patriotic War, to become one of the co-founders of the United Nations, to preserve the continuity of generations, the self-sufficiency of the Belarusian nation and statehood".

Even this period of time, relatively short to make final conclusions, showed that the decision made on the basis of the historical memory of several generations of the Belarusian people is correct. The unity of the people contributes to the consolidation of society and the unification of the nation on the principles of sovereignty and independence of Belarus. The call for all citizens of the country to unite was widely supported. After all, Belarusians, whose historical fate has suffered a lot of misery and pain, are united, as a nation, by love for the Motherland, by responsibility for her future and that of her children and grandchildren, by constant willingness to give a helping hand to others. This is the mentality of our people, which was emphasized by the President, speaking at the sixth All-Belarusian People's Assembly: "Listen, we, Belarusians, are holy people, we are ready to help everyone. Maybe even to the detriment of yourselves. But we'll never let them push us. It's enough!"

Yes, we have experienced a difficult period in our lives, and in the life of our country. The events that took place before our eyes clearly showed how easily we could lose everything that we were proud of, lived, and rejoiced... And also how important it is to be able to listen and hear those who are nearby, who perhaps, are mistaken in something, having been deceived by modern "Danaites, bringing gifts."

The new public holiday - National Unity Day - allows us to evaluate everything that happened, and even happens in the country. To evaluate and make the right conclusions from these "unplanned lessons." It is important for the Belarusian people that we, having learned from our own mistakes, will not make mistakes of the others.

Generations of our fathers and grandfathers who defeated fascism during the Great Patriotic War and the collapse of the Soviet Union have preserved our small state in the center of Europe - the Republic of Belarus. Our generation also has something to pass on to young people. This is our stable, prosperous, strong and independent homeland, where our children and grandchildren will be the guardians and carriers of the cultural code of the nation.

Allow me to sincerely congratulate you on the eve of the holiday - National Unity Day! I wish everyone health, and well-being, peace and prosperity of our beloved and independent Belarus!

Sincerely yours,
Rector, Vitaly VELIKANOV.
