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email: kancel@baa.by
Адрес: 213410,
Могилевская обл.,
г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
Обратная связь


Meeting of foreign students with specialists of Gorki district department of internal affairs

With the onset of a new academic year, motley companies of young people speaking different languages appear in educational buildings and on the alleys of the academy. The Academy accepts its foreign students. Comfortable life and study, painless adaptation in unfamiliar environment are possible only if you know and comply with the laws of the host country.

Our reliable partners - specialists of Gorki District Department of Internal Affairs help foreign guests get used to new conditions. On September 15, 2021, an information meeting took place in The Club of International Friendship "Mechta",  which was held by:

- Alexander Pashkevich, Dean of the Faculty of International Cooperation and Pre-University Education;

- Dmitry Rachikov, Deputy Dean;

- Anastasia Belskaya, Inspector of the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Gorki District Department of Internal Affairs;

- Bogdan Bordyugov, Operations Officer of the Drug Control and Human Trafficking Group of the Gorki District Department of Internal Affairs.

The conversation touched upon the most pressing problems faced by foreign students: the status of a foreign citizen, the rules of residence, registration and travelling around the country; employment opportunities; the dangers associated with illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs. The meeting guests also answered the questions of the students present.

Faculty of International Cooperation and Pre-University Education .



