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The competence of accredited seed quality laboratory within the requirements of the international quality standard has been confirmed


In the period from September 6 to 7, 2021, the accredited Testing Laboratory of Seed Quality at the Faculty of Agronomy confirmed its competence and right to work within the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17025-2019.

The competence of the laboratory was assessed by a comprehensive expert commission of the Belarusian State Accreditation Center with an assessment of the entire structure of the management system and the level of competence of personnel evaluated during control tests.

This competency assessment by the Accreditation Centre was the first one since the laboratory went to a new international standard of activity establishing stringent requirements governing all testing processes and procedures.

According to the results of the assessment by experts of the SE "BGCA," the full compliance of all aspects of the laboratory's activities with seed quality was established, as well as high degree of competence of the entire team, and no inconsistencies were established.

In addition, the laboratory retained the right to use the combined sign of the international association for accreditation ILAC.

The positive assessment of the laboratory's activities on the part of the Gosstandart structure will help to increase the level of confidence in the activities, simplify the procedures for recognizing the results of their research at regional and international levels.

Faculty of Agronomy