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The International Scientific and Practical Seminar at the Faculty of Land Reclamation and Construction.

On June 19, 2021 according to order No. 118-OD of 15.06.2021 for BSAA the International scientific and practical seminar on the subject "Environmental Problems of Meliorative Lands and Measures for Their Improvement" was organized at land reclamation and construction faculty.

A welcoming speech was made by the dean of the faculty Yuri Dubrova.

The seminar was attended by faculty members, invited guests and students:

Mustafa Gylman ogly Mustafayev, Doctor of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

 Yuri Mazhaysky, chief researcher at the Meshchersky branch of All-Russian Research Institution of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor;

Vladimir Zhelyazko, Head of the Department of Reclamation and Water Management, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;

Aleksander Kukresh, head of the department of hydraulic structures and water supply, PhD in agricultural sciences, associate professor; and other faculty members.

In his closing speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Land Reclamation and Construction, Y.N. Dubrova, thanked the guests for participating in the seminar, for providing up-to-date information on the topic for faculty staff and students, and also expressed the need for such events.

O. V. Tishkovich, Deputy Dean for Educational Work.

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