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Обратная связь


Elena Kolesneva, Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission on Education, Culture and Science, meets the students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization

On June 2, 2021, a meeting was held between a deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Deputy Chairman of the Permanent Commission on Education, Culture and Science Elena Kolesneva and the 1st year students of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization specializing in the technical support of agricultural production processes.

The meeting dealt with the organizational structure of the Parliament, its legislative and representative functions. Questions were raised regarding the adoption of the draft new Education Code, about the planned changes, the deputy also introduced students to the procedure for considering and adopting bills.

During the meeting, Elena Kolesneva paid special attention to issues of citizenship and patriotism, as well as the formation of spiritual and moral values among citizens. This is primarily due to the fact that in some countries attempts are being made to rehabilitate Nazism. The deputy also spoke about the amendments and additions to the Law "On Preventing the Rehabilitation of Nazism" in the Republic of Belarus.

Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization Dean's Office.


