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20 years ago, in November 2001, at an all-Russian agrarian conference held at the House of Scientists of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, a proposal was made to establish a national agrarian prize named after Pyotr Stolypin. On April 14, 2002, on the day of the 140th anniversary of the birth of this famous Russian politician and reformer, the State Historical Museum hosted the presentation of the most important award to those who are deservedly included in the "Agrarian Elite of Russia."

Now, annually on April 14, Moscow hosts the solemn ceremony of awarding the national prestigious prize to famous people, who have made and are making a great contribution to the development of the agrarian sector, not only in Russia. Currently, there are more than 250 winners of the prize named after P.A.Stolypin . Among its owners are leaders of industries and large holdings, scientists and farmers. All of them are united by work on food security. Or, in the words of Pyotr Stolypin himself, "by the desire to make the land a pledge of our forces in the future."

The team of the oldest agricultural university in Belarus, which is part of the single educational space of the Union State, are very glad that in 2021 the first vice-rector of BSAA, doctor of economics, associate professor Andrei KOLMYKOV became the laureate of the XXIV National "Stolypin Prize." Such a high award to a young Belarusian scientist was awarded in a joint nomination with the National Union of Land Surveyors and is called "For Contribution to the Development of Land Management."

The certificate of the laureate and the Memorial Medal to Andrei KOLMYKOV were awarded twice. First in Moscow. And then on May 31 during a meeting of the BSAA Council. The rector of the academy Vitaly Velikanov warmly congratulated the laureate on behalf of those present and wished him further success in scientific and pedagogical activities.

On the same day, the rector presented certificates of honour to the winners of the 2021 academic competition of young scientists. The first position went to a candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of the department of reclamation and water management Viktor lukashevich; 2nd - to a PhD in sociology, associate professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Viktor Blokhin; 3rd  - to a PhD in economics, associate professor of the department of mathematical modelling of economic systems in the agro-industrial complex Elena Karachevskaya.

Photo: Alexander GURIKOV.




