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Scientific and pedagogical school: we’ve got the result!

Today there has been a pleasant news from the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus: the Council for dissertations defense approved the decision on awarding the degree of candidate of agricultural sciences to the postgraduate of the Department of large-scale animal husbandry and processing of livestock products Yuri Goncharik (first scientific supervisor M.V.Shalak , doctor of agricultural sciences, professor).

The training of scientific personnel is a very important direction in which the staff of the Department of large-scale animal husbandry and processing of livestock products actively and fruitfully work. The department has a scientific school in the field of feeding farm animals, general animal husbandry and technology for the production of livestock products.

The scientific and pedagogical school is led by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Belarusian Engineering Academy - Mikhail Shalak. He is actively engaged in the training of scientific personnel of higher qualifications. Under his leadership, a doctoral and two master's theses are being prepared for defense.

A.G. Marusich
PhD in agriculture, associate professor
Head of the Department of large-scale animal husbandry and processing of livestock products.