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Meeting of graduates of the Faculty of Economics with students of the 2nd year of the specialty "Economics and Organization of Production in the Sectors of the Agro-Industrial Complex"

On April 15, 2021, a meeting of graduates and students of the 2nd year of the specialty "Economics and Organization of Production in the Sectors of the Agro-Industrial Complex" was held at the Faculty of Economics. The meeting was attended by graduates of 2018 and 2019 N.V.Avkhutskaya and N.S.Vidasev, who currently work as chief economists in agricultural organizations.

Graduates answered questions and discussed topics that concern students, shared their employment experience, discussed the importance of knowing economic disciplines, touched on the problems that arise in the first year of work, and the features of relationship in the labor team.

We'd like to thank our former students for finding time to meet, students of the 2 year for active participation!

I.V. Shafranskaya
Dean of the Faculty of Economics .





