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Deputy of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Belarus National Assembly Elena Kolesneva always tries to find time for communication with the BSAA team while working in her constituency. Colleagues of the people's representative always take the chance to ask guestions about the work of Belarusian parliamentarians on the main legislative acts.

On February 22 of this year, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Parliament on Education, Science and Culture E. Kolesneva presented the draft law "On Amending the Republic of Belarus Code on Education," to the deans of the faculties of the country's oldest agrarian university. 

On April 19, the conversation of the people's representative on this topic was already in an expanded format. The meeting was attended by the rector of the BSAA Vitaly Velikanov, vice-rector for educational work Maksim Potapenko, director of the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel Alexander Chechetkin, the deans, lecturers of Business and Law Faculty.

As E.Kolesneva emphasized, "On April 7, the Code was adopted in the author's edition." And she added that "in the second edition, improvements are possible, but they will not be conceptual". As it has been already reported, the future law passed a "public examination" at various dialogue platforms, in interested ministries and departments of the country. This special attention to this document is due to the fact that the updated Education Code will affect all residents of Belarus. The Law contains 17 sections, 64 chapters, 297 articles that affect almost all aspects and directions of the educational system.

In her video presentation, E. Kolesneva touched upon the main provisions of the Code, paying special attention to higher education. The updated document contains a number of new legislative norms. The number of articles has been increased. The changes will also affect a number of definitions and formulations. The status of the leading university of the country will be determined on a competitive basis. At the same time, a high international rating of a higher education institution will become a prerequisite. The set of requirements for pedagogical workers will also change. The term "postgraduate education" will replace "scientific-oriented education." And research work will become an integral part of the educational activities of a higher educational establishment.

The meeting participants asked Elena Kolesneva questions related to the "electronic diary," the preservation of a socio-humanitarian disciplines block etc.

The topic of the conversation was continued by Vitaly Velikanov, who took part in a meeting of the Council of Rectors of Belarusian Universities.

Photo: Alexander GURIKOV





