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The rector of the academy participated in the 14th meeting of the intergovernmental Tajik-Belarusian commission on trade and economic cooperation

In the period from April 5 to 8, 2021, the rector of the academy Vitaly Velikanov joined the official government delegation to take part in the 14th meeting of the intergovernmental Tajik-Belarusian commission on trade and economic cooperation.

The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus Ivan Krupko and the Minister of Agriculture of Tajikistan Ziyozod Sulaymon Rizoi.

The meeting of the intergovernmental commission considered the results of bilateral trade and economic cooperation in recent years, the holding of events aimed at increasing trade turnover, topical issues of cooperation in industry and industrial cooperation, agriculture, transport, health care, education, investment and information technologies.

An exhibition of Belarusian manufacturers “Made in Belarus” was also organized in Dushanbe, as well as a business forum "Belarus - Tajikistan - Afghanistan," a forum "TajBelAgro," negotiations between business circles.

The Belarusian delegation visited Khatlon region where the assembly production of Belarusian agricultural machinery "Agrotechservice" had been organized in Gissar. There is also a specialists training center for providing efficient operation, service, and maintenance of equipment working in the fields of Tajikistan. The Belarusian side is interested in expanding the range of manufactured equipment - fodder harvesters, mounted equipment, expanding the model range of assembled tractors.

Raising the level of training remains a topical issue for Tajikistan. At the meeting, an agreement was reached on the further development of inter-university cooperation, attracting Tajik citizens to Belarus for education, retraining and advanced training.

Rector V.Velikanov visited the Tajik academy of agricultural sciences and the Tajik agricultural university of Sh. Shokhtemur, held negotiations on cooperation in scientific research with the president of Asozod academy Nurali Makhmadullo and the rector of  Makhmadyorzod university Usmon Majmur on activization of bilateral cooperation in training,  and retraining of citizens of Tajikistan.

During the business forum, cooperation agreements were signed with the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Tajik Agricultural University named after S. Shokhtemur.




Приветственное слово министра сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Республики Беларусь И.И. Крупко.


Церемония подписание договора о сотрудничестве с Таджикской академией сельскохозяйственных наук.


Посещение Таджикской сельскохозяйственной академии наук.


Участники встречи в Таджикской академии сельскохозяйственных наук.


