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On May 17-19, 2021 Faculty of Economics will host the VII International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations in the agro-industrial complex: from theory to practice"


Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy will hold the VII International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations in the Agro-industrial Complex: from Theory to Practice" in the following scientific areas:

  1. Principles of economic theory in agrarian science and practice;
  2. Investment activities in the agro-industrial complex;
  3. Modern technologies and innovations in the organization of production in the agro-industrial complex;
  4. Economic mechanism for the functioning of organizations and industries in agro-industrial complex;
  5. Foreign economic activity of agro-industrial enterprises;
  6. Modern trends in the development of management theory and practice;
  7. Mathematical analysis and modelling of socio-economic processes and systems in agro-industrial complex;
  8. Actual Problems of Agrarian Economy;
  9. Moderne Landwirtschaft: Theorie und Praxis.

Students, and Master students are invited to participate.

Form of participation: full-time and correspondence. Conference languages: Russian, Belarusian, English, German.

The information message can be found in the section: science/scientific events.

Dean of the Faculty of Economics