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Orthodoxy in the historical fate of the Slavonic peoples

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On April 2-3, 2021, the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy will host the International Scientific Conference "Orthodoxy in the Historical Fate of the Slavonic Peoples."

The conference is organized by the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, the International Foundation of St. Savva of Serbia and St. Seraphim of Sarov (Serbia), the Russian Orthodox University (Russia), the Center for Eurasian Studies of the RSSU branch in Minsk (Belarus).

The conference program provides for:

April 2, 2021 (educational building No. 10, conference room, 14.00-17.00) - opening of the conference and  a plenary session;

April 3, 2021 (educational building No. 10, conference room, 9.30-15.00) - continuation of the conference work.