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Turkmenistan is an important and long-term partner of the Republic of Belarus

Turkmenistan is an important and long-term partner of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of education. Interaction at the interstate level doesn't stop even in the conditions of epidemic restrictions. On March 26, 2021, the Ministry of Education of Republic of Belarus and the Republican Institution of Higher School carried out a round table "The relevant directions of cooperation in the sphere of education and science between establishments of higher education of the Republic of Belarus and Turkmenistan". The event which took place in a videoconference format united educational and diplomatic departments of two countries, as well as higher educational establishments of Belarus and Turkmenistan.

Representatives of educational establishment "the Belarusian state the orders of the October Revolution and the Labour Red Banner agricultural academy" also participated in the event: rector Vitaly Velikanov, the first vice rector Andrey  Kolmykov, dean of faculty of international relations and pre-university education Alexander Pashkevich, deputy dean of faculty of international relations and pre-university education Dmitry Rachikov.

The participants of an online meeting shared the experience of cooperation in educational and scientific spheres, spoke about the prospects and directions of partnership development.

Faculty of international relations and pre-university education

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