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The MMES Department and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Economics congratulates Elena Karachevskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems at the Agricultural Complex, on the award of a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists for 2021.


The scholarship was awarded for the development of the concept of strategic development of medicinal plants production, aimed at increasing competitiveness and innovative development of this industry; development of methods for evaluation of production activities of organizations in this field and determination of promising directions of its development; development of a set of activities aimed at improving production efficiency, expanding the output of import-substituting raw materials to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry of the republic; developing export capacity, including the establishment of cooperative integration structures. The results obtained have been published in personal and collective monographs, republican and foreign scientific editions, their practical significance is confirmed by 2 acts of introduction into the educational process. We wish Elena Karachevskaya further success in scientific and pedagogical activities!

Faculty of Economics
MMES Department .