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On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, V. Belsky and the head of the main department of education, science and personnel of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Vladimir Samsonovich visited BSAA. Valery Belski held a reception on personal issues. And then their joint meeting with employees and students of the academy was held in a large conference hall. The head of the main department of ideological work and youth affairs of the Mogilev regional executive committee Ekaterina Muzychenko and the deputy chairman of the Gorki district executive committee Larisa Krivitskaya took part in it. The meeting was opened by the first vice-rector of BSAA Andrei  Kolmykov.

- "The purpose of the mission is to message to you the results of a landmark event in the life of our country - the VI All-Belarusian National Assembly" - with these words Valery Belski began his speech. The presidential aide spoke about the short-sighted policy of opposition representatives who fled to the West and call from their temporary "political shelters" for various kinds of boycotts and sanctions against the Belarusian people and the state. "Today we can observe a global re-making of the world, a struggle for spheres of influence between the United States and China... The situation in our country has stabilized, but not to the end", said V. Belsky. He recalled that President Alexander Lukashenko compared Belarus to a key strategic height, on which a lot depends both inside the republic and on its outer circuit. Our opponents do not shun any methods of struggle, but we have to observe political correctness. He remembered the expression of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of our Republic V.Makei that the state is needed so that there is no hell, and everyone does paradise himself. Valery Belski gave specific examples of social policy pursued by the state. And the fact that it is the social state that remains the same national brand for the next five years was confirmed by the All-Belarusian National Assembly. Its priorities are a happy family, strengthening the health of the nation, strong regions, high-quality and affordable education, improving the quality of life, revealing personal potential, developing science and innovation, and more. Everyone can see it in the Program of Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021-2025 adopted at the Forum.

V.I. Belsky and V.A. Samsonovich answered the questions of the meeting participants. These included additional measures to encourage breeder scientists; students’ enrollment targets in agrarian universities; educational standards for the training of AIC specialists; agribusiness prospects; refinancing rate forecast for 2021. A proposal was made to increase the number of classes missed by students without good reasons - from 10 to 20 hours a month, so as not to be left without a scholarship. A graduate of BSAA, Doctor of Economic sciences Valery Belsky, who achieved such heights in science and career growth only because he was never a truant, gave advice to the current generation of students. "The best way to learn is to communicate with teachers. Due to this, you save your time", he said. He compared the work of a teacher with a bakery. A baker does not need to plow the land, sow a flax, harvest. The finished loaves of bread are already on the table. The meaning of education is also to skillfully and diligently use the work and knowledge of others.

Judging by the mood of the guests, the communication, which lasted more than two hours, was not tiring. Valery Belsky suggested asking some sharp, or "white-red-white "questions. A serious audience, apparently, decided not to "climb into politics." And seriously, the test for citizenship and patriotism of the many thousands of staff of the country's oldest agrarian university, unlike some metropolitan universities, was very worthy. In the BSAA there were no various kinds of marches and demarches, disruption of classes, the so-called "chains of solidarity" and other things. It can only cause a sense of collective pride for each of us, and for our beloved Belarus. But lessons and conclusions from what we experienced should also be made.

The first vice-rector of the academy A.Kolmykov thanked the guests for the interesting meeting.

Photo: Alexander GURIKOV.












