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Happy Women's Day!



On the eve of International Women's Day, many of us are unlikely to think about the meaning of this holiday. But the idea of celebrating it arose more than a century ago. The holiday acquired its official status by decision of the United Nations in 1975. In modern society, the holiday has lost its political color. It became a symbol of spring and female beauty. In independent Belarus, the 8th of March is an all-republican holiday. And in recognition of the merits of women, it is a non-working day. No one but you can handle the role of Mother, a family hearth keeper, a faithful and loyal life partner. It's really amazing how you manage to combine family concerns and official duties in our turbulent and rapid age, giving your warmth and attention.

We are grateful that from generation to generation you pass on family values and traditions. We thank you for carrying the Mother's noble mission through life . You bring up real patriots of the country. The role of women in all spheres of life of the state cannot be overestimated today.

Allow me to congratulate the beautiful half of the country's leading agricultural university on the upcoming holiday - the 8th of March. Thank you for your work and studies. I wish you health, happiness, smiles on your faces, spring mood.

With great respect,
Rector of BSAA
