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Presentation of the Baltic University diplomas

The presentation of the Baltic University diplomas took place on Feb. 16, 2021 at a meeting of the students' scientific club "Sustainable Development." The holders of the diplomas were Ekaterina Chernaya (2nd year of the Faculty of Economics), Olga Eismont (3d year of the Faculty of Economics), Arthur Klyukin (Master student of the Faculty of Accounting) , Daniil Ivlev,  Alexandra Svitich, Anastasia Klimenkova, Vladimir Mozhar (2nd year of the Faculty of Accounting),  Anastasia Kozhemiakina (2nd year of the Faculty of Business and Law) . During the first semester, they successfully mastered the Baltic University (Uppsala) programme on the sustainable development of the Baltic region and Belarus, published articles and took part in webinars of the Baltic University.

A report was made at the meeting by the  student of the Faculty of Economics Ekaterina Chernaya - a youth ambassador for sustainable development goals. She spoke about the project that she intends to implement as a youth ambassador. The project caused a lively discussion and, in general, was welcomed.

Daria Kivulya, lecturer of the Economic Theory Department