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The Rector's Office, the Dean's Office of the Faculty of International Relations and Pre-University Education, the Department for Educational Work with the Youth, the Academy's Cultural Centre,  Amateur Literary Association "Parnas", public organizations, "Sovetsky Student" newspaper editorial office, and the Academy's library are holding a competition for the best poetic work dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of L.G.Vasilyev.

Lev Vasiliev occupies a significant place in the literary work of the popular amateur literary association "Parnas" (BSAA). He is the author of two poetry collections. In 1960s and 1970s, he headed the literary association "Parnas".

Lev Vasilyev was born in Smolensk region to the family of a teacher. L.Vasilyev lived a difficult life, but the difficulties did not harden him. He succeeded to be a teacher and a poet, although life presented him many trials. Vasiliev graduated from the correspondence department of the Saratov Teachers-Training College with honors and successfully taught German in schools, a technical school, and the Belarusian Agricultural Academy.

Vasilyev began to write poetry at a young age. His first poem was published in 1958. The poet's works were published in republican and local newspapers, collections of authors. Composers created a number of songs to the poems of Lev Vasilyev, who had always been a multi-faceted poet. His poems excite the reader with frankness of feelings. The main theme of his work is love for his native land. He was born in Russia, but had deep affection to Belarus. He considered Gorki his second small homeland. The memory of the past, difficult and heroic years of the Great Patriotic War also worried Lev Vasilyev. A significant place in the poet's work had always been occupied by lyrics, poems about friendship, about love, about people's relationships.

The author's poems and songs have a long life. For many generations, they will light the way with a bright ray of poetry.

The teachers, other categories of employees, undergraduates, post-graduate students of BSAA, veterans who worked in the academy earlier can participate in a competition.

The competition is held from January 15 to February 28, 2021.

Creative works must be presented in Russian or Belarusian in two age groups (up to 31 years old, over 31 years old) in the following nominations:

  • works dedicated to the events and participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • works that show love for the motherland, native land, home and family;
  • lyrics, poems about friendship, about love, about people's relationships.

Works for the competition are presented in the genre of poetry.

The contest accepts works of small forms that have not previously participated in other competitions, in the amount of no more than two works in one nomination from the author (authors).

Contestants must submit:

- a copy of printed work without authorship indicated;

- electronic version of the work;

- participant's questionnaire, in which it is necessary to indicate the name, date, year of birth, place of work or study, home address and phone number (mobile, home).

Contest works must be sent to the organizing committee at the address: 213407, Gorki, Leninsky Boulevard, 4, building No. 4 (room 216А, Department of Linguistic Disciplines, third floor).

The works submitted to the competition are not returned to the authors.

Winners and prize-winners will be awarded with diplomas, valuable gifts or a monetary prize.

The best works will be published in the newspaper "Sovietsky Student" and in authors’ collections.

Organizing committee