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175 years since the birth of Mikhail Rytov, an outstanding agrobiologist, founder of scientific gardening and fruit growing


Mikhail Rytov

Mikhail Rytov was born on January 4 (16), 1846 in Novomirgorod, now Kirovograd Region, died on April 17, 1920 in Gorki, Mogilev Region. From 1879 to 1920 he taught at the Gorki Agricultural College.

Mikhail Rytov conducted the first scientific experiments in the famous Stebut vegetable garden, and in 1880 he organized a botanical nursery at the Gorki Agricultural College to test crop varieties and verify new  agricultural techniques. Rytov vegetable garden still exists today.

In 1919 Mikhail Rytov, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Horticulture Partnership, corresponding member of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and State Property, correspondent of the Main Physical Observatory, became the founder and the first head of the Department of Botany at the faculty of Agronomy.

Numerous articles published in the journals "Herald of Gardening, Fruit and Vegetable Growing," "Russian Gardening," "Garden and Orchard," "Progressive Horticulture" is devoted to the scientist's research.

Library named after D.R. Novikov has a rich collection of books by M.Rytov. The true jewel of the rare library fund is a collection of manuscripts written by the scientist.

More complete information about the scientific heritage of Mikhail Rytov can be found in the electronic catalogue and electronic library.

We also invite you to visit our virtual exhibition dedicated to the activities of M.Rytov:


and the booklet "Founders of Agricultural Science A.V. Sovetov, I.A. Stebut, M.V. Rytov":


Library named after D.R. Novikov


M.Rytov in Gorki with his students


The tutor’s class with the students of Agronomy Faculty