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email: kancel@baa.by
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г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
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New books in our library

In December 2020, the book collection of the library named after D.R. Novikov was replenished with new textbooks of Russian publishers, such as: "Юрайт", "ЮНИТИ", "ИНФРА-М", "Лань", "Феникс". In total, the library received 107 copies of books. These are literature on the protection of agricultural plants, accounting, animal science, psychology, pedagogy, economics, price formation. Great assistance in purchasing educational literature was provided by vice-rector for scientific work Yuri Tibets. The full list of new literature can be found on the library web-page in the "New receipts" section for December 2020 or by clicking on the link: https://baa.by/ovuze/biblioteka/new/