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The New Year's Ball at the Palace of Independence

The Belarusian New Year's Ball was held at the Palace of Independence on December, 29. The best representatives of students became the participants of the event.

More than 300 students were invited to the ball. These students achieved great success in study, creativity and sports, scientific and social activities. Among them there were fellows of the special fund of the President of Belarus for social support of gifted students, holders of presidential scholarships, participants of republican competitions of scientific works, winners and laureates of numerous creative international and republican competitions and festivals.

The evening opened with a polonaise of debutants and a waltz. The second part of the ball was held under the world hits of pop and jazz music. It was lighter and more relaxed, where dances were combined with games and entertainment.

Our academy was represented by Nikolai Dudyko, Elena Morozova (Faculty of Accounting),  Elena Kontsevaya  (Faculty of Economics). The guys found themselves in the New Year's fairy tale. What happened to them is unforgettable, it will remain with them forever, they will always remember and strive to visit this place more than once, and perhaps not as students, but as people who achieved a lot in their lives, and those who were able to bring something new to our country and change it for the better. This ball will be an incentive to work even more and achieve new goals.

Youth Education Department.




