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Presentation of diplomas of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus

In December 2020, a number of academy employees were awarded diplomas of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus for their long-term and fruitful scientific activity, a significant contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of protection of rights to intellectual property, a great personal contribution to the development and implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research, the introduction of innovative methods for the assessment and labeling of plant genotypes, active participation in professional master class systems in the field of quality assessment.

The State Science and Technology Committee of the Republic of Belarus is the republican state body pursuing public policy and realizing function of state regulation and management in the sphere of scientific,  technical, and innovative activity as well as protection of the rights for intellectual property.

Diplomas were awarded: Alexander Ivanistov   - head of Scientific Research Center; Sergey Egorov - head of the accredited Seed Quality Testing Laboratory; Igor Dolin  - Associate Professor of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine department; ElenaYegorova -  a researcher at the accredited Seed Quality Testing Laboratory.

It was noted that the awarding of diplomas of the State Committee for Science and Technology to the employees of our Academy is especially significant after the recent visit of the Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology Alexander Shumilin and the topic which had been identified within the framework of this visit to strengthen the connection of science with production, which is being effectively implemented at the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

The award was presented by the academy rector, Vitaly Velikanov, in a solemn atmosphere as part of the final meeting of the rector’s administration of the academy.

We congratulate our colleagues on receiving a high appreciation of their scientific and innovative activities on behalf of the State Committee on Science and Technologies of the Republic of Belarus and wish them further development in this area.

Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Y.L.Tibets



