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The peculiarity of this year's admission to the Academy is a noticeable expansion of the geography of the countries from which our students come to study. This year, students from Nigeria and Cameroon, Ethiopia and Eritrea, the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Israel replenished the Academy's international family.


The adaptation process is not easy. Everything is unusual - the time zone and the climate, unfamiliar food and way of life, strict requirements of the educational process. Employees of the Dean's Office, the hostel stuff, teachers and members of the Foreign Students Council do their best to make the new students feel comfortable in our republic as quickly as possible.


Our long-time partners, officers of the department for citizenship and migration from Gorki district police department, also help the students to get used to the new conditions. On December 22, 2020, a meeting of new students with the head of the department for citizenship and migration Sergey Avramov took place. And it was not the first time this academic year, when such a meeting was held. The life of a foreigner in an unfamiliar country is full of difficulties. However, timely assistance, recommendations and advice of professionals provide an opportunity for young people to understand the subtleties of the legislation, to stop experiencing uncertainty and discomfort in an unacquainted environment.


S.Avramov told the participants about the procedures of registration and extension of registration, rules of entering and leaving the host country. Students received the information about the rules of behavior in public places and during mass celebrations; they were also able to ask questions of interest to them. The meeting lasted more than two hours and, according to the participants, turned out to be very useful and timely.


The staff of the Faculty of International Relations and Pre-University Education thank Sergei Avramov for his assistance and sincerely wishes foreign students success in mastering the Russian language and in their further study at the academy!


Dean of International Relations and Pre-University Education Faculty
Aleksandr Pashkevich.