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Project Proposal Tender

A competition for project proposals is being announced under the CEI Know How Exchange Program (KEP), funded by the Italian government.

One of the criteria for assessing the relevance of projects is compliance with the main areas of CEI activity (CEI Plan of Action 2018-2020 http://www.cei.int/content/cei-plan-action-2018-2020).

Application deadline: November 13, 2020

Reference information and registration forms are available at http://application.cei.int/kep-2020

For reference: CEI countries are Bulgaria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Acceptable activities:

On-the-job training, staff training, study tours, expert visits, assistance in the preparation of strategic documents (for example, development plans, reforms, strategic directions of training, etc.), technology transfer, technical assistance. The project provides for a theoretical and practical part. 

CEI finances 50% of the project costs from the maximum requested amount of 40 thousand euros, the other 50% should be covered by the partner institution of the project not only in monetary terms.

Noskova S.A.

Head of Department for international cooperation.