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The International distance scientific and practical conference "Organizational-Economic and Legal Bases of Agribusiness Development" was held on May 7.


Chairman: A. S. Chechetkin - Director of the BSAA Institute of Personnel Upgrading and Retraining, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor;

Deputy chairman: N.A.Glushakova - Dean of Business and Law Faculty, PhD in history, Associate Professor;

Organizational committee members:

V.V.Vasilyev – Head of Agribusiness Department, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor;

Bartos Mitskiewicz - Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Western-Pomor Technological University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor (Szczecin, Poland);

A.A. Gerasimovich - Head of the Department of General Professional and Special Legal Disciplines, PhD in history, Associate Professor;

V.V. Matyuk, Deputy Dean of BSAA Business and Law Faculty;

V.N. Redko - Head of Marketing Department, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor;

M.Z. Freidin – Professor of Marketing Department, PhD in Economics;

N.S. Shatravko - Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor.

The participants of the conference discussed on-line the results of scientific research, problems and trends of scientific and research work organization in modern conditions. The organization of the educational process was also touched upon. The participants exchanged their views and shared experience of work in pandemic conditions. Director of "Technopark Gorki" A.A. Timayev spoke about promising directions of innovative development of agribusiness.

The materials submitted to the conference will be included in an international collection of scientific works, which is traditionally published in Poland.