тел/факс +375223378274
email: kancel@baa.by
Адрес: 213410,
Могилевская обл.,
г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
Обратная связь


In the name of remembrance

In the name of remembrance

To the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory

BSAA invites everyone to take part in repair and improvement of the monument in Borki village, Kirovsk district.

Don’t be indifferent!

As long as we remember the past, we have the future.


A charity account has been opened to assist in the repair and improvement of the monument in Borki village of the Kirovskiy district. Everyone who wish to assist in the renewal of the monument can transfer financial resources to the following account:

Kirovsk District Executive Committee, Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs

The state institution of culture "The centralized club system of

Kirovsk District " (marked " Borki")


р/с ВY92АКВВ36421290922877100000


ОАО «АСБ Беларусбанк» г. Минск

УНП 701217025


The tragedy of Borki village is equal to Khatyn, and it is symbolic that the ground with the ashes of the killed inhabitants of Borki is forever stored in "the cemetery of burned villages of Belarus" in Khatyn as a warning to the descendants, as a call to preserve peace on earth.


Vice-Rector for educational work