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World Health Organization informs

World Health Organization (WHO) recommends five major steps to protect public health and stop the spreading of coronavirus infection:
1 Wash hands
Wash your hands as often as possible with water and soap, use hand sanitizer. Frequent washing of hands or, if possible, alcohol agent for hands disinfection kills viruses that may be on your hands. It 's simple, but very important.
2 Follow respiratory etiquette.
Coronavirus is transmitted by the air route, so when sneezing or coughing, cover your nose and mouth with an elbow bend or a napkin, then throw out the napkin immediately and wash your hands. By observing respiratory hygiene, you protect others from been infected.
3 Don 't touch your face.
Your hands touch a wide variety of surfaces, and viruses can easily get on them. From the hands, virus particles can get on your face and then enter your body which will lead to disease. To avoid it, do not touch the face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth.
4 Stay away from other people.
Keeping the so-called "social distance" helps to avoid inhaling the particles released by sneezing or coughing people around you. So, when talking to people, take a step back, keep the distance at least one meter away.
5 Stay home if you feel worse.
If you have a rising body temperature, a cough and a shortness of breath, seek medical care, first by phone, follow the instructions exactly. This will help you protect yourself and prevent the spreading of the virus and other infections.