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Do something good!

Volunteers from the club "Sensitive Hearts" in collaboration with the Belarusian Red Cross Society actively help elderly and disabled people. They purchase food products and medicines for them and deliver them to their homes.

Students are provided with necessary kits to secure anti-epidemic safety: masks, boot covers, gloves, disinfectants and antibacterial wipes.

The students of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Aquaculture and the Faculty of Accounting Wladislav Kalinkovich, Veronica Kuzmichuk, Alesya Saskevich take active part in purchasing and delivering the necessary products to lonely people who need help.

Our volunteers believe that everyone can find 10 minutes to help a single elderly person. And it’s so nice to hear words of gratitude in response!

Yulia Yasyukovich

Head of the Volunteer Center

Photos taken from http://www.gorkiv.by