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In alliance with science

On March 31, BSAA was visited by representatives of LLC "Fiterra". This company is a producer of a full cycle of humic fertilizers and drugs and is developing new products for environmentally friendly farming. The Scientific and production centre on biological resources, the Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, and a private college daRosti (Germany) are the partners of "Fiterra". The company has a German Certificate and operates subsidiaries in a number of European Union countries. The company is also well-known in some regions of the Russian Federation.

A presentation of "Fiterra" took place in our Small Conference Hall. Setting a business-like tone for the forthcoming conversation, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Y.Tibets, began with the fact that the system "sow – and - gather crops" no longer works these days. Today we compare the advantages of different farming systems, including organic farming. “Fiterra” proposes the academy scientists a joint project, containing biological elements, which significantly increases the efficiency of farming, making the economy of its industries profitable.

Director of "Fiterra" Maxim Bukreev spoke about innovative measures to restore depleted soils which were developed by his company. He gave a number of examples of their successful renovation and increase of crop yields, which were obtained thanks to the use of innovative brand biopreparations. Thus, according to Maxim Bukreev, the results of research on the lands of "Agricultural Company named after N.Tkachev," (Krasnodar region, Russia), increased the return from each hectare by 150 dollars. The production capacity of Fiterra drugs is 2 million litres per year.

As the economic component today receives first priority, Yuri Tibets invited to take part in the meeting not only famous scientists of the academy, but also the deans of the "economic block": N.Glushakova - Faculty of Business and Law; N.Velikoborets – Faculty of Accounting; I. Shafranskaya - Faculty of Economics. The well-known method of pelleting seeds, one of the inventors of which is a young BSAA scientist Denis Miheev, has already positively proved itself in practice and is being introduced into production.

What does Fiterra company offer the Academy? According to Maxim Bukreev, his resource-saving company does not aim to earn money. The company is ready to supply any number of innovative biopreparations for the joint project free of charge.

And what can BSAA scientists offer? A number of academy specialists are interested in cooperation and positively assess its prospects. BSAA has everything necessary for the scientific approbation of new generation products for environmentally friendly farming.

There is also the third interested party in this project – our native agribusiness, still experiencing some hesitation in the use of liquid humic fertilizers produced by Fiterra. They need guarantees and honest advertising of competent partners. This is exactly the role that scientists from BSAA can perform.

Lyudmila Goncharova

Photo: Aleksandra Gurikova