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email: kancel@baa.by
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г. Горки, ул. Мичурина, 5
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"Organization of technological and laboratory equipment adjustment at flax-processing plants”

On 23-27 of March, 2020, the BSAA Institute of Stuff Upgrading and Retraining implemented the educational programme of stuff upgrading "Organization of technological and laboratory equipment adjustment at flax-processing plants”.  The programme content aimed at laboratory specialists and control masters of flax-processing plants of the Republic of Belarus.

The training process focused on a practical component. Out of 36 hours of training only 6 hours were allocated for lectures, and 30 hours were practical classes, held at JSC "Dubrovno flax-processing plant".

Specialists of the Republican enterprises "Belagroservice" (L. Borisovskaya) and "Institute of Flax" (M.Uteneva, A.Goliseva, and V.Suleimanova.) were involved for conducting classes.

During the three days at the plant, the participants learnt a lot about the history, organization of production, technological lines and laboratory equipment of one of the leading enterprises for flax products processing in our country.


Deputy Director

Institute of Stuff Upgrading and Retraining