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Pupils from agroclasses of Tolochyn (Vitebsk region) visited the Academy

On March 16, 2020 the academy was visited by school students of agricultural classes of secondary school № 1 in Tolochin, Vitebsk region. S. Artemenko, a senior lecturer of Marketing Department responsible for career guidance among possible applicants from Tolochin district, carried out an excursion around the academy for schoolchildren who visited all the faculties, and got acquainted with the opportunities of training in various specialities.

Kudryavets - Executive Secretary of the Admission Committee, Associate Professor of the Department of Pig Breeding and Small Livestock Production told future applicants about the faculties and specialities of BSAA, the conditions of admission to the academy, as well as about the possibility of targeted training.

During the meeting, the students were asking questions about the studying conditions, living in a hostel, leisure and sports opportunities.

The schoolchildren had a unique opportunity to feel like higher school students. They attended the lecture of Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines V. Blokhin, and the practical class in marketing given by a senior lecturer of Marketing Department S.Artemenko.

In the training laboratory "Commodity Science and Commercial Activity Organization” a class was given to our guests by the head of the laboratory N.Lyubetskaya.

The training laboratory "Commodity Science and Commercial Activity Organization”

The schoolchildren also visited the Department of Technical Service, where the Head of the Department of Technical Service and General Engineering Disciplines, Associate Professor V. Katsuba told them about the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, about training process of Engineers, focusing on a practical approach.

When being on the excursion the students visited the sports complex, where the head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports D. Malashko let them know about various directions of sporting life at the academy.

Many of the visitors even tried themselves as students having a credit test on physical education.

The students of Tolochin secondary school No. 1 visited the botanical garden, and its exposition made a deep impression on them.

Marketing department.