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A contest is being announced for foreign affairs specialists!

The contest for young CIS foreign affairs specialists named after A.A.Gromyko is dedicated this year to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and creation of the UN, under the charter of which there is a signature of A. Gromyko.

University students and graduates, postgraduate students, young scientists and diplomats from CIS countries under 35 years of age (on August 1, 2019) are allowed to take part in the competition.

Original unpublished articles (analytical notes, scientific reports) independently written by one or more authors (no more than 30 thousand characters) can be accepted for participation. The works should conduct researches in one of the following areas:

  • Modern international relations in the post-Soviet countries, including issues of integration projects development;
  • The Union State of Belarus and Russia, EAEU, CIS, CSTO;
  • The Great Patriotic War in the History of International Relations;
  • The diplomatic heritage and principles of Andrei Gromyko;
  • The role of the United Nations Organization, its past and future in the system of international relations; the experience of interstate associations, and integration processes;
  • Historical heritage of the Great Patriotic War, and the problems of history distortion.

Applications are accepted until May 11, 2020.

For more information, please visit: http://konkurs-gromyko.org/

Svetlana Noskova

Head of International Cooperation Department