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The National contest among students of vocational education establishments on the speciality 2-27 01 01 “Economy and Production Organization”.

The contest took place on the 11-12th of March, 2020 at the Faculty of Economics. Vocational schools students of the speciality “Economy and Production Organization” were involved.

The competition was held in order to identify talented, creative students of vocational education establishments. It aimed at improving their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, broadening their outlook, and increasing motivation of the students to acquire knowledge and professional skills, which must eventually improve the quality of students’ training and ensure continuity between vocational and higher education.

The jury evaluated theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the participants. The winners of the contest are as follows:


1st prize – Yanina Ostrikova, Orsha State Agrarian Vocational School;

2nd prize − Aleksandr Stanevich, Orsha State Agrarian Vocational School;

3d prize − Yuliya Kuntsevich, Stolin State Agrarian-Economic Vocational School.


The following school teams were recognized the best:


1st prize - Orsha State Agrarian Vocational School;

2nd prize - Stolin State Agrarian-Economic Vocational School;

3d prize - Gomel State Agrarian-Economic Vocational School.


Excursions to the academic campus were organized within the framework of the events. At the closing ceremony the winners were awarded with diplomas and memorable prizes.

E. Goncharova,

a specialist in charge of the research

work at Economics faculty