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The Republic Scientific-Methodological Seminar of the Agricultural Association "Agrarian Education, Science and Production" took place on 12 March 2020.

The seminar "The state and problems of practical-oriented training of economic personnel for agriculture of the Republic of Belarus at educational establishments implementing educational programmes of vocational and higher education on the first and second stages" was held at the Faculty of Economics.  The seminar was attended by representatives of the academy, and vocational schools as well. Besides the BSAA specialists, the representatives of Orsha State Agrarian Vocational School, Smilovichi State Agrarian Vocational School, Stolin State Agrarian-Economic Vocational School, Rechitsa State Agrarian Vocational School, Gomel State Agrarian-Economic Vocational School, and Zhilichi State Agricultural Vocational School took part in the event.

 E. Goncharova,

a specialist in charge of the research

work at economics faculty