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During its long history, the Academy gave to the world a constellation of great scientists and worthy people of Russia, such as professors I.A. Stebut, A.V. Sovetov, A.V. Rytov, academician A.F. Ivanov and many others who became the founders of agricultural research and pedagogical schools of Russia and Belarus.

The first scientific monographs and manuals on agriculture, crop production, agricultural chemistry and experimental work were written in Gorki, which for many decades were reading books for agricultural workers. It was in Gorki that the first training field in the world was organized, the world’s first grain combine harvester was constructed, the first pottery drain in Russia was laid. The scientific works titled “Notes of the Gory-Gorki Agricultural Institute” were the first in Russia to publish the results of scientific research.


Today, scientific and innovative activity is one of the main directions of the Academy, aimed at the effective use of the scientific potential of the university, improving the quality of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, development of scientific and technical cooperation. Scientific research is carried out in the departments of all faculties, in 2 research laboratories accredited in accordance with the requirements of STB ISO / IEC 17025, biotechnology laboratory, the Experimental fields of BSAA, fish-breeding industrial complex.

According to the results of scientific activities in 2016, the Academy was re-accredited by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a scientific organization for a period of 5 years (certificate No. 58 of 11/17/2016).


Currently, the Academy has formed 17 scientific and pedagogical schools, which make a significant contribution to the development of agricultural science of the Republic of Belarus and the improvement of the pedagogical process of the Academy.

The scientists of the Academy conduct research in the fields of: developing a concept of economic development, organizational models and management systems for the agro-industrial complex in a market economy; improve the varietal composition of crops; improvement of breeding work; development and implementation of innovative technologies for farming and animal husbandry; development of resource and energy-saving technological processes for the production of agricultural products.

Over the past five years, the Academy staff completed 363 research contracts, received 86 patents for invention and utility model, issued 117 monographs, 124 collections of scientific papers and conference materials, 124 production recommendations, 246 types of scientific and technical products (including 61 variety and hybrid crops). The research results are of high relevance and are widely used in production.

The Academy has 4 publications included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission: scientific journal “Bulletin of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy” with a frequency of four times a year, collections of scientific works “Actual problems of intensive development of livestock” (two volumes, once a year), ‘’Problems of Economics’’ (two volumes, once a year), scientific and practical journal ‘’Livestock and Veterinary Medicine’’ (four times a year).

Research work of students is actively developing. For excellent study and active participation in research work, 8 students receive a scholarship of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus, 10 students get nominal scholarships of eminent scientists working in the academy, 4 students get scholarships named after prominent scientists and culture artists of the country, 6 students get personal scholarships of the rector of BSAA. The students of the academy are active participants in republican contests of scientific works in the humanities, natural and technical sciences. About 150 works annually take part in competitions.

A significant number of students work in creative collaboration with teachers: today the academy has 55 circles, 20 student research laboratories, 1 student design bureau and 1 workshop on architecture.

The training of highly qualified personnel at the Academy is carried out through graduate school (20 specialties in 6 branches of science) and a doctoral program (10 specialties in 3 branches of science). In graduate school there are 70 people, in doctoral studies there are 6 people. The scientific management of graduate students is carried out by 27 doctors and 26 candidates of science, there are 3 councils for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses. Since 1960, over 750 candidates and doctors of science have been trained at the departments of the Academy, over the past 5 years  ?  3 doctors and 56 candidates of sciences.

Innovative development of the agrarian complex of the republic is impossible without the use of scientific and technical achievements of agrarian science, new and high technologies. In this regard, the strategic direction of the scientific and technical policy of the Academy is the introduction of scientific developments in production and the provision of consulting services in various fields of agricultural production.


Education establishment "Belarusian State Agricultural Academy" offers scientific, practical and consulting assistance to agricultural enterprises on a contractual basis in the following areas:

  • optimization of the structure of sown areas, the development of crop rotations and plans for their development
  • zootechnical analysis of feed (up to 25 indicators), the development of feed rations, animal feed, feed mixtures, PMVA recipes and premixes for a given productivity
  • improvement of machine technologies and a set of technical means to reduce the energy intensity of crop production
  • variety testing and reproduction of crop samples
  • verification of the genetic quality of corn, sugar beet, cereals and leguminous crops
  • development of energy-saving technologies for fertilizer system, protection and cultivation of crops and medicinal plants
  • development of environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies for the creation and rational use of hayfields and intensive type pastures
  • selection and production of improved planting material of potatoes, fruit, berries, ornamental plants, varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for open ground and film greenhouses
  • radioecological substantiation of the specialization of agricultural enterprises
  • testing of internal combustion engines, testing agricultural machinery
  • development of technology for breeding farm animals and ways to increase their reproductive ability and productivity
  • determination of nitrates content, analysis of macro- and micronutrients content in crop products and soil
  • laboratory assessment of milk quality (fat, protein, lactose, freezing point, somatic cell content, total bacterial load, species composition of bacteria)
  • complete blood count (morphological and biochemical parameters, mineral elements) and quantitative determination of hormone levels in the blood
  • development of methods for the treatment and prevention of diseases of young animals, obstetric and gynecological diseases of cows
  • development and improvement of the technology of pork and beef production
  • development of an optimal program for the long-term development of agro-industrial formations, the scientific basis for the development and rational use of production potential

We expect from the leaders of all parts of the AIC applications for our innovations, as well as new proposals that academy scientists, using their scientific potential, could develop and thereby make a significant contribution to the implementation of the agrarian program of the Republic of Belarus.